Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Why Mercy Ships

It took a lot of convincing to chose to board this ship. One reason being it is totally unpaid, in fact, I have to pay my own way. The other, Bigger Reason, is that I suffer from motion sickness... usually puke when I fly... puke when on boats... and have never been on a cruise (but I am thinking I just might puke there too.)

So, I started my research to find some sort of global nursing that didn't involve so much puking! I looked into the Peace Corps, Young Adults in Global Mission, and Doctors Without Borders. And as I researched, I kept thinking, that is a cool organization doing amazing things, but... It's not as perfect of a fit as Mercy Ships.  As a PICU nurse, I have a unique skill set that I wanted to be able to use in a clinical setting, which is exactly what Mercy Ships offers.  I wanted to live in a community that I could share experiences with and rely on, which is exactly what Mercy Ships offers. And, I wanted to be in a place that I felt safe, so that I would be able to do my best and give my all, which is exactly what Mercy Ships offers. So, here I go. I am embracing that fact that, yes, I will probably puke... but hopefully I can get some zofran and make it through!

Back to the first reason. I have saved for this trip for a while now. Took opportunities at work when available to work extra. And skipped trips to visit friends to save the cost of the plane fare. And all extra checks received, birthday/Christmas/tax return, went directly into my savings account. Not only do I have to cover my monthly room and board, I also have to cover the cost of my plane ticket. While gone, I will keep my stuff in storage, and car parked. I have to pay for all the yucky adult things like, health insurance, car insurance/registration, and travel insurance. And then all the medical costs, immunizations (out of pocket), prescriptions for malaria medication ect.

I am very blessed to be able to quit my job and move across the globe for three months. Blessed to know that as a nurse I will have a high probability of finding a job when I get back (fingers crossed.) I am blessed to be able to put money aside to take an opportunity like this.  And I am most blessed to have people in my life who want to support me as I travel. My whole family and my friends are all cheering me on. Asking what they can do to help. They have reviewed my application before I turned it in. Asked all about what I am doing, and listened to me babble on and on (and on and on) about it. Offered to help me move. And pledged to pray for me.

I will continue to need these cheers and prayers.  

Thank you everybody. For all that you have already done and for all that you will do to support me. I am most grateful.

If you are interested in making a donation to me, please do so here:

More than all of the above. I ask that you spread the word of the work that Mercy Ships is doing. And for the Peace Corps, Young Adults in Global Mission, and Doctors Without Borders. And all NGO's/community organizations not named that improve the lives of others. I urge you to look into your community to find ways that YOU can improve the lives of others. There are so many people that need taking care of. Not only in The Republic Congo, but also in your home town.

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!


(may I quote drop from one of my favorite doctors??? )

“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot,
Nothing is going to get better. It's not."
-Dr. Seuss

(sorry, I don't mean to be cheesy. I just had to.)

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